
ThreeFold Network LayerOther Overlay Network Technologies (like VPN)
ManagementFull P2P, done by 3bot Agents, blockchain IT contractCentralized leading to security issues
LocalityFind shortest path on latency and quality, this allows traffic to stay sovereign.NO, based on centralized control mechanisms or inefficient algorithms that route traffic indiscriminately across the globe.
EncryptionEnd2End ecryption, unique for every relation, linked to private keyNormally based on key exchange, or pre-shared keys.
Post QuantumPossible (ask us)No
ScalabilityOur aim is to be planetary scalable, but we need more exposure.Bad
CompatibilityWe aim to support mobile, desktop, IOT, ...Depends, often not
BackdoorsNO, all is based on opensourceOften, yes, unfortunately.
PerformanceQuite good, 1 gbit / sec can be achieved on std node (which is high for overlay)Often slow.
Security ModelWhitelist modelBlacklist model, list who is bad e.g. firewalls
Fully integrated in computeYesLots of different solutions