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Revenue Generation

Renting Options

AIBox creates opportunities for revenue generation through resource sharing. The following numbers are suggestive as each AIBox owners can set their own pricing.

PlanRateMonthly PotentialUsage Scenario
Micro$0.40/hr$200-300Inference workloads
Full GPU$1.60/hr$800-1,200Training

Proof of Capacity Revenues

The AIBox implements a tiered proof of capacity reward system, distributing monthly INCA tokens based on hardware configuration

ConfigurationMonthly Rewards
Base AIBox500-2000 INCA
1 GPU AIBox1000 INCA
2 GPU AIBox2000 INCA

Proof of Utilization Revenues

The AIBox implements a revenue-sharing model wherein device owners receive 80% of INCA tokens utilized for deployments, providing transparent proof of utilization economics.